This article provides a comprehensive and systematic study of the evolution of the interpretation of mythological themes in the fine arts of Uzbekistan in the XX century, the dynamics of development of works on the theme in the works of artists in terms of the relationship of socio-political ideology to our artistic culture. New interpretations of myths, epics and folklore in modern painting over the past hundred years, the originality of works based on the creative thinking of artists, the dynamics of development, the influence of new and old artistic traditions on the development of art are comprehensively scientifically presented.
Myth, mythology, artistHow to Cite
Ibrokhim Rakhimovich Abdurakhmonov. Reflection Of Folklore in Applied Art Оf Uzbekistan (From Еhe Beginning Of The XX Century). The American Journal Оf Social Science and Education Innovations (ISSN-2689-100X). February 27. 2021. https://doi. 0rg/10,37547. Impact Factor 202: 5.857. -P.166-171.
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