FROM THE HISTORY OF THE STUDY OF MEDIEVAL ORIENTAL MINIATURES (from the Fund of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan)

Section: Articles Published Date: 2022-06-29 Pages: 1-5 Views: 44 Downloads: 51


  • Asalkhon RAKHMATULLAEVA Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after K. Behzod Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The article contains some materials about the history and origin of the fund of manuscripts of the Institute of Oriental studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Also, the focus was on the history of the study of Oriental miniatures of the middle ages. The article examined some of the miniatures of the poems of authors Firdowsi, Nizami Ganjavi, Amir Khusraw Dehlevi, Alisher Navoi.


manuscript, fund, miniature