This article is about the researches analysis of religious structures in the urban planning of the Kushan period of Bactria. Bactria is historically divided into two parts, which played an important role during the Kushan period: Northern and Southern. Northern Bactria covers the territory of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The religious structures of Northern Bactria in the Kushan period monuments identified so far in these areas have been analyzed on the example of various religious views. Religious structures related to religious beliefs, such as Buddhism or dynastic cult, have been studied separately. However, the religious structures which belong to Kushan period have been analyzed insufficient as a single study. Religious buildings are classified according to which part of the city they are located in and what religion the religious buildings belong to. At the same time, the role of religious buildings in urban planning was revealed.
religious building, temple, stupaHow to Cite
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