Until the 20th century, applied art as a mature type of artistic creativity occupied a leading place in the cultural development of Uzbekistan. Since design was a product of Western economy and culture, there was not even a spark of design in Turkestan during this period. After the transformation of the region into a colonial state, the Russian Empire directly merges into the Russian-European way of life, culture, capitalist relations gradually begin to influence the lifestyle and culture of the population. The development of industry during this period was carried out directly on the basis of the interests of the Union center and was aimed at maximizing the use of the country's raw materials. Naturally, the isolation of the USSR from capitalist countries had a negative impact on the industrialization of Uzbekistan, the low technical level of industrial enterprises, the high shortage of modern equipment, engineers, technicians and qualified specialists. The industry of Uzbekistan is part of the long-term industrialization of the former Soviet Union. This article examines the history of the industrial industry and the development of design education in Uzbekistan.
Industry, textile, interiorHow to Cite
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